Sunday, November 11, 2012

Declan's First Haircut

Declan will be three years old in 11 days and today he got his first haircut. Everyone knows by now that I did not want to cut his hair for fear of losing his precious curls forever, but since the hair was starting to always be in his eyes, I decided it was time. What surprised me most was how anxious Dave appeared to be over me cutting Declan's hair. I guess the curls finally grew on him too. Believe it or not, I cut an inch and a half off his hair all over, but that still left plenty of hair and to my delight, he still has curls!!!! (The top three pics are his before pics. Then there are the after pics. The pictures of AJ and Declan together were before the hair cut.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

AJ's 2nd grade picture

AJ has spent much of the last year without his two front teeth. They are just now starting to come back in, but not in time for picture day! We have gotten so used to seeing our cute little toothless boy, it's going to be strange to see him with teeth.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

In a little more than two more months, my baby will be three years old, and I STILL can't bring myself to cut his hair. Some days I think I'm ready, then he has these perfect curl days, and i can't do it. I get accused of trying to have a little girl, but not so. I have always, always wanted boys and have always, always been grateful for them.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dave rolls his eyes at the number of pictures I take of the BACK of Declan's head. He has been ready to cut Declan's hair for at least the last 6 months. I just can't stand the thought of cutting off his curls. I know once we do, they will be gone forever.
The boys on a nature walk.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I'm actually rather amazed that he even knows that this is a phone. No one uses phones like this anymore.

Sunday, December 18, 2011