Sunday, July 26, 2009

water play park

My agency recently purchased all of its employees memberships to this community center that happens to be pretty close to us. It has a gym/ fitness level, basketball, racket-ball, tennis courts, an indoor and outdoor pool, and more. So far, AJ has loved taking advantage of the pool and of the outdoor water play park area.

COSI visit with Memaw

Memaw came to visit us for about 10 days early this month. AJ had a great time with her. One day we went to COSI so AJ could meet Spiderman and so we could check out the new Egyptian exhibit. AJ was so excited to be able to stay home and play with Memaw every day while Dave and I went to work. AJ cracked us up the day before she had to go home. I told AJ that he would have to go back to daycare the next day because Memaw was going home. His response was, "I don't want her to go. I'm not sick of her yet."

AJ's dog pillow

Despite the number of times Dave and I have told AJ that Goldie is not his personal body pillow, we are constantly finding him just laying around on her. He assures us, "she likes it!" I'm not so sure, but she sure is tolerant of him.

Baby's room

Dave wanted me to post some pics of the baby's room. It's not quite finished, but this is the basic theme we are going with.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009