Sunday, February 14, 2010

love my boys

It feels like Declan is getting so big, but I guess it just seems that way to us. Papa has teased me that swaddling Declan at night is going to stunt his growth. He may be right since we did learn at his 2 month appointment that he is only in the 30something percentile in height. At two months of age, AJ was already in the 90th percentile and remained so until his last appointment where he dropped to the 83rd.

AJ continues to love being a big brother and constantly wants to hold Declan. The problem being that Declan is getting heavier and harder for AJ to hold. Declan really does seem to respond to AJ. He turns toward his voice and smiles at him a lot.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Time flies

Time has gone so fast since our little Declan was born. I can't believe that my maternity leave is almost over. Dave and I are adjusting to sleep deprivation. It is quite an adjustment since our other baby is now 5 years old and has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old. I'm starting to think we won't be so fortunate with Declan, but he's been worth a little lack of sleep. Declan is a sweet little baby. AJ has loved being a big brother and has been so helpful. He loves being able to make Declan smile, and he is so proud this week to have been the first one to make Declan laugh out loud. Declan has been pretty good at adjusting to the moving around from place to place that he has had to endure the past three weeks. After having been used to our home, we took a trip to Arkansas when some serious repair work was being done to our house. We spent a week there, then flew from there to Kansas for another week. We spent half our time with Grandma Kay and the other half the time with Grandma and Papa. Then when we thought we could come home, we found out that our house wasn't finished yet so we spent the past week in a hotel. Through it all, Declan has been such a trooper. He was a great traveler on our trip too except a ten minute interval (which felt like one hour) on our last plane.