Friday, March 05, 2010

Thursday, March 04, 2010

AJ, the All Star

AJ has been playing back to back mini seasons of flag football for the past year. He absolutely loves it. This is the first season that he has also played basketball. Saturdays for us are now busy, but fun. We have football in the early afternoon and then basketball in the early evening. AJ tried a basketball class when he was 4 years old and could not dribble the ball to save his life. This go around, he is much improved with his coordination. This past Saturday, AJ was so, so excited because he scored three points during his game, which was the most any one child scored. I have tried to suggest to AJ that next season, he will have to chose football or basketball, but he is still begging to do both. He appears to have as much fun with basketball as he does football.

Happy boy

Declan is such a sweetie. He smiles all the time as long as someone is talking to him. He just wants attention. Poor little guy was running quite a fever today and was sick as can be. He was listless much of the day, but he was still trying to smile when we talked to him.