Okay, so yesterday was the first day my child has EVER said Mama! It has become quite a joke with all my friends and family. The kid's first word was dog and the next was Dada (these he said at 10 months of age) and finally 9 months after his first words does he say mama. The last few weeks he started adding a few words like shoes, truck, eyes, and too too (choo choo train), but I continued to be crestfallen that he would not say mama. In fact when asked to say mama, he would shake his head and say no. Finally yesterday he said mama for the first time. He said it four different times throughout the day. This morning, Dave brought AJ downstairs while I took a shower. When I got out and was getting dressed I heard Dave say, "You little shit," (he was laughing while he said this, but I was still surprised to hear such a thing from Dave). I started heading to the stairs to see what this was about when I heard AJ saying "mama, mama, mama" while he was heading up the stairs with Dave behind him. Dave told me that AJ went to the back door and gave him the sign for "outside". Dave told him that he couldn't go outside just then because he was going to have breakfast. AJ signed outside again and Dave again told him no. AJ then darted around Dave and started saying "mama" several times while heading for the stairs to look for me. Dave thinks it's a bad sign that the kid has already figured out that if one parent says no, then he can go ask the other. By the time AJ got to me and I was making such a fuss that he was calling for me, that he forgot that he wanted to go outside. If he had signed it again, I probably would have had to give in just because my baby finally said mama!