Sunday, September 07, 2008


Our beloved Mister passed away sometime during the night. He was a good little dog and we will miss him so much. When Disney died last November, Dave had taken her body away before AJ had seen her. AJ declared that Jesus had come and had taken Disney to Heaven. I know there are many who do not believe animals have souls and therefore do not go to Heaven, but as an animal lover it is hard to imagine Heaven without them. So, I did not tell AJ he was incorrect in his assumption of where Disney had gone. But I should have realized how literal my child's thinking is sometimes. So, I tell AJ this morning that Mister has died. Initially, he was sad and hugged me. Then he wanted to know where Mister was. I told him that he was still in the living room. He wanted to see, and when he did, AJ turned to Goldie and said, "Goldie, now you're the only dog left." Then he hugged her and said, "Please don't die Goldie." It was enough to start fresh tears for me. Then AJ got an excited expression and sat down by Mister. As it turns out, AJ thought that if he stayed by Mister, then he would get to see Jesus when He came to take Mister to Heaven. I felt a little drained after the conversation that followed. It's been a rough morning. Good bye sweet Mister. Rest easy now.