Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

I can't believe our little guy is two years old already! Time just seems to be going so fast. He looks like a little boy, but I swear he is still my baby. In fact, AJ knows it too because if I ask him where mommy's baby is, he'll point to himself and say, "AJ." The two year old memory is amazing. It seems like he doesn't forget anything. We took him on a train ride to a pumkin patch last weekend and I made him wear this goofy hat (it was the 1st time he had ever worn it). This morning, I got the hat out to take to daycare because the coat I was sending him in didn't have a hood and they were taking a field trip to a different pumpkin patch. AJ saw the hat and started saying, "choo choo, choo choo train, choo choo." I tried to tell him that he needed to wear the hat to keep his ears warm, but he wasn't going to go on the train today. All the way to daycare, he kept telling me, "I want go choo choo." He is like that about a lot of things. If he sees something or does something, he will ask about it weeks after. He remembers everything! (even when we would rather he forget)

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