Sunday, April 05, 2009

Flag Football

In about two weeks or so, I will be sure to get some pics of AJ (and Dave) in action. This weekend, AJ started his flag football. He had a 30 minute practice immediately followed by two flag football games against different teams. AJ had a blast. Dave was perhaps a bit overwhelmed. Apparently a coach did not show up, so he got recruited to help coach. Dave says that coaching 3 and 4 year olds to play is a challenge. Of course they do not completely understand the rules, and some just are in their own little world. AJ did pretty well. He got to run the ball once, and didn't do too bad. He had the most fun however when playing defence. He ran down another kid who was carrying the ball and pulled the kid's flag. AJ got so excited when he got the flag that he then ran back to Dave waving the flag to proudly show off what he had done. AJ can't wait until the next game!

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