Sunday, June 28, 2009

Football, football, football

So, AJ has officially played for three different football teams. He loves that he has three different official jerseys now. He was a Falcon in the spring, he is now a Cardinal this summer, but for this one weekend, he was a Bengal. He played in a special weekend tournament. He played in single elimination games. He had an hour of practice, then played two back to back games yesterday morning. He and Dave (who coached) took a very LONG nap afterwards. So, since they won both their first games, they moved on to play again this afternoon. They won their first game today, so played another back to back game. Unfortunately, our team is made up of 4 and 5 year olds, but the team we played was all 6 year olds and one kid who just turned 7. Our kids did an admiral job, but were just no competition for the older, bigger, faster kids, so we did not get to play in the final championship game. Really, that was okay by me. Practice, then two back to back games makes for a long day as it is. I'm betting AJ will sleep very good tonight.

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