I'm blaming this particular purchase on Grandpa Cook, though any excuse would really do in order to get rid of the ATV that I never wanted AJ to have. Okay, let me explain. Shortly after Dave purchased AJ the motorized Mini Cooper (when AJ was weeks old), Dave purchased AJ an ATV, like a four wheeler vehicle. I did not approve. It looked dangerous to me. I thought he could fall off of it too easily. Dave said that AJ needed a vehicle that he could drive on the grass since the Mini was stricly for side walk use. So, we've had two motorized vehicles for some time. Though Dave assembled the Mini and AJ has played with it a lot, the battery was never put in it. He has never played with the ATV because it was still in the box. Well, after our visit to Kansas, where AJ was thoroughly spoiled by his grandfather, AJ wanted to "drive" all the time. Grandpa Cook let him sit in Grandpa's truck and pretend to drive at the wheel. AJ thought this was great fun and kept wanting to "drive" the real cars even when we got back to Ohio. I was shopping one day and found this truck that I thought AJ might soon be able to manage if not already. It says for 2 to 6 year olds. Once we get the battery charged, we'll see what AJ can do with it. But, if nothing else, it has satisfied his desire to sit in a truck and pretend drive. He has played with this thing all morning, and it doesn't even go anywhere. The best part about it was that since Dave bought the ATV at WalMart, I was able to trade that thing for this truck that I believe will be much safer. So, AJ still has one vehicle for side walk use and one for the back yard (If and when he can manage the driving part.) AJ did briefly have a small ATV meant for one year olds, but he wouldn't keep his feet on the feet rest, and I was afraid he was going to get dragged off the thing with his legs dragging the ground. I do have some cute video of his driving it before I returned it. I'll make sure to get video of him driving the truck if he is able to figure it out.
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