Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tattle Tale

AJ has become quite the tattle tale as of late. It's funny except when he is tattling on me. Last Tuesday morning, I drove around checking out some preschools and when we left one of them, I was given some material to look over. I was curious about something so when I got to the car, I told AJ to jump into his seat and I sat and started looking over the stuff I was given. After a couple of minutes, AJ got impatient and asked me if we were going to go. I put down the stuff I was reading, started the car and began to head out. Before I got out of the parking lot, AJ yells at me, "Mommy, buckle my seat belt!" I stopped right away, turned around and began apologizing profusely to AJ and thanking him for telling me because it is indeed important to keep him safe. This event occurred at 9:30 AM. At 4:00 PM, I get a voicemail from Dave telling me that AJ told on me about the seat belt incident. So far, this is the only time he has told on me. Usually, he tells on Dave. He's told on Dave when Dave gave him a sucker or some other candy or when Dave didn't brush his teeth or once when Dave tried to get away with not actually reading a book, but rather tried to just tell a story based on the pictures. AJ knew better (because he has had me read it a dozen times) and told on Daddy not reading it right. The one time that really cracked me up was when we went out to eat and AJ said he had to go potty. Dave took him to the bathroom, got AJ back in his seat, and sat down himself before AJ leaned over to me and looked at me deadly serious and said in his best tattle telling voice, "Mommy, Daddy didn't wash my hands." Dave just rolled his eyes, got back up and took AJ back to get his hands washed. AJ could have, of course, said something to Dave about needing his hands washed before leaving the bathroom the first time, but clearly AJ wanted to have something to tattle about.

1 comment:

sean said...

happens all of the time . . . when they yell i just tell them i'll drive slower until they figure out how to get it buckled themselves. heh.