Tuesday, May 27, 2008

AJ's first Dairy Queen experience

I think it safe to say that AJ likes Dairy Queen as much as his father. I'm so glad AJ is such a neat and tidy ice cream cone eater. ;)

Nice Long Weekend

Dave got a three day weekend and I got a four day weekend. Dave was super productive getting the floor in the basement finished and tearing down and then replacing the back section of our privacy fence. He also got the pool filled, though it is not quite warm enough to swim in it. AJ and I, on the other hand, did nothing but play and relax. While Dave was finishing the fence, I filled up water balloons for AJ and a neighbor kid. They had lots of fun and got nice and soaked. I think they had the most fun tormenting Goldie. She thought they were throwing balls for her to fetch, but by the time she caught up with them, they were already popped. We also took AJ to play put put golf. I was surprised by how much he enjoyed it. We played 18 holes twice and he wanted to keep playing. He was most excited when he got a hole in one. His average is like 5 or 6 per hole, so the hole in one was a thrill. Today I took AJ to the zoo. We saw a ton of animals, but AJ's also wanted to climb on things today including a dinosaur skeleton. We took AJ to see the Go Diego Go production a couple of weeks ago, and ever since then he has been playing with his Rescue Pack and pretending he is going on animal rescues. You wouldn't believe how many animal "rescues" we did today in the zoo.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Book time

AJ and I have a night time ritual after he gets PJs on and brushes teeth. AJ races me to the rocking chair and giggles waiting for me to drag him out of it so I can sit and read to him. AJ has always loved books. Aside from other times in the day when he spontaniously asks me to read to him, we read for at least 30 minutes right before bed every night. AJ's daycare had a Scholastic book order and I went a little crazy and got 28 new books. They came in today and AJ was so excited that he wanted to read them as soon as we got home from daycare. We read 17 in a row before I told him we had to break to eat dinner. Then I convinced him to play for a while. We read the other 11 before bedtime. Then before he laid down, he asked if we could read them all again tomorrow! AJ's been funny lately about words too. He has discovered rhyming words and is always letting me know what words rhyme. "Red and Bed....those are rhyming words mommy!" "Moon and Spoon....mommy, did you know those are rhyming words?"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

swing batter batter


AJ still likes to climb on Goldie and she still lets him do it. AJ loves his dog. We've been playing outside a lot lately. He's gotten a kick out of the fact that he can finally make her sit on command now.