Monday, May 12, 2008

Book time

AJ and I have a night time ritual after he gets PJs on and brushes teeth. AJ races me to the rocking chair and giggles waiting for me to drag him out of it so I can sit and read to him. AJ has always loved books. Aside from other times in the day when he spontaniously asks me to read to him, we read for at least 30 minutes right before bed every night. AJ's daycare had a Scholastic book order and I went a little crazy and got 28 new books. They came in today and AJ was so excited that he wanted to read them as soon as we got home from daycare. We read 17 in a row before I told him we had to break to eat dinner. Then I convinced him to play for a while. We read the other 11 before bedtime. Then before he laid down, he asked if we could read them all again tomorrow! AJ's been funny lately about words too. He has discovered rhyming words and is always letting me know what words rhyme. "Red and Bed....those are rhyming words mommy!" "Moon and Spoon....mommy, did you know those are rhyming words?"

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