Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Clothes, Shoes, and the Color Yellow

AJ's favorite color has been yellow for a long time now and continues to be so. If he colors or paints pictures, he always wants the yellow. (He already used up the whole yellow bath crayon) For the last couple of months AJ began having an opinion regarding what shoes he wants to wear each day. Some days, it is a struggle because he has a pair of rubber rain boots that he wants to wear more often then not. They don't really go with most outfits. Now, AJ is getting more particular about what socks and clothes he wears too. He is tall enough to see into his sock drawer now, so he picks his socks most days (whether I want him to or not.) Unfortunately, that leaves me trying to pick an outfit to coordinate with the socks he chooses. This is not easy. If there are a clean pair of yellow socks in the drawer, they WILL be worn. If there are not a pair, he will still ask for yellow socks and will only consider another pair once he is sure that all the yellow socks are in fact dirty. After that, I feel like a salesman trying to convince him of the outfit I pick out. If he eyes a shirt with Thomas the Train or Elmo or Spiderman, or one with a firetruck, then he'll want to wear it. Otherwise, I have to convince him that he wants to wear a plain blue sweater today. He also does not like to wear layers. Some very cute outfits he has have a short sleave shirt and a long sleave light jacket or something to wear over it as an outfit. AJ won't have it. He will wear the first layer, but won't keep on the second. My goodness, if he is this opinionated at 2 years old, what are we in for?

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