Sunday, August 26, 2007

Random Thoughts

I'm bracing myself. In less than two months, AJ will be 3 years old. So hard to imagine that is even possible. In some ways, it seems like not that long ago he was born, yet in other ways because I can barely picture my life before having him, it feels like he's always been a part of it. I'm bracing myself because I have to expect troubling threes. AJ is willful and ornery (it's part of his charm and it makes us laugh daily), but we have not experienced any terrible twos really. On Thursday, I got off of work early, so when I picked him up we went to play at the play area in the mall. There was a bigger kid there that kept running over and AJ and was being a bit of a bully to some other kids too. I was just about to say something to the boy when AJ came over to me and said, "Mom, I am not pleased! I am upset. That boy is stepping on me and he didn't take his shoes off." Before I had a chance to respond, he continued, "I am going to throw a fit." I told him that I'd rather he didn't. He repeated that he was going to throw a fit, and then he grabbed a handful of air and threw it very hard, grunted, then threw his head down onto the padded bench I was sitting on. He kept his head down for about 30 seconds, and then looked up and said, "I feel better now." I told him I was glad. He then proceeded to walk over to the boy who was blocking the top of the slide from other children, and said to the boy, "Excuse me, but I want to go down the slide. Please move and don't step on me again." To my surprise, the boy looked startled, but moved." I keep thinking our luck with AJ will run out soon. Despite AJ's willfulness, he is the most loving child. He loves getting and giving hugs and kisses. He frequently tells us he loves us. He has demonstrated empathy and is concerned about our happiness as well as his own. He is a snuggler. He loves to be read to. He'll sit and my lap and let me read to him forever. He has a wonderful imagination. He is very good about taking naps and going to bed. He is great about picking up his toys and putting them away. I couldn't ask for a better child. He has a very strong personality and I love him just exactly the way he is.

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