Monday, August 06, 2007

Visit from Grandpa Eric, Michelle, and kids

We had such a great couple of weekend visits from the Lentz clan from Missouri. Michelle's family lives in Ohio, so they stopped here for most of the weekend on the way up and then on the way back. AJ totally loved it. (We did too. It was such a great visit.) AJ really should be a big brother. The kid loves babies. He was crazy about baby Cayci. We all loved Cayci, she is a doll baby. Such a good little thing, but Dave and I were crazy about having Logan and Nathaniel here. Those boys were so great with AJ. In general the boys are just great kids, but watching how sweet they were with AJ was just too cool. I really cracked up the last day they were here and the boys were playing in the pool with AJ and it was getting late. I went to get AJ and told the boys they could still play, but AJ needed to come in. They begged to let AJ stay with them. They said, "Please let him stay up longer. He's not being cranky or anything." We let him stay in the pool until 9:00 PM that night. Way past AJ's bedtime. So much fun!

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