Thursday, October 23, 2008

I love you...I love you not....

We had dinner with my parents on Tuesday night before they went back to KS. AJ was being kind of hyper and moving around a lot in the booth between Dave and I. Dave told him to settle down a few times , but AJ struggled to be able to sit still and be patient. So, Dave got firm with him, causing AJ to stick his lip out and pout, but he got still in his seat. AJ looked to me to support him or comfort him, but I reaffirmed that he should have listened to Daddy. A couple minutes later, the following conversation transpires starting with when:

AJ looks at me and says, "Do you still love me?"

My response: "Of course I do. Why would you ask?"

AJ: "I thought maybe because you got mad at me then you stopped loving me."

Me: "AJ, I could never stop loving you...I will love you always, even when I get mad. You get mad at me sometimes, right?"

AJ: "Yes."

Me: "Do you stop loving me when you get mad at me?"

AJ: "Yes."

Laughter breaks out..... :)

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