Sunday, December 25, 2005


First Time I Slept Through the Night - 1/29/2005

Notes: AJ's actual first night of sleeping through the night was a couple of days before he turned 3 months old. He slept a 10 hour stretch. I got up at least twice to check to make sure he was still breathing. Then he went back to a pattern of sleeping 5 or 6 hours and then eating, gowing right back to sleep and sleeping another 4 or 5 hours (10 total at night). Three nights in a row now, he has slept 8 or more hours straight so we are keeping our fingers crossed that this new pattern will continue. He's actually sleeping longer this way. We put him to bed between 9 PM and 9:30 PM most nights, and the past three nights he would sleep 8 or 8 1/2 hours, then would still go right back to sleep and sleap until 9 AM when left to wake on his own. One morning I had to wake him to take him to daycare. This was a wonderful weekend for us because it was really the first that we got to sleep in with the exception of when we were in Arkansas and Mammaw took him for us. We don't expect all nights from here on out to be this good, but we can wish, can't we?

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