Monday, December 26, 2005

Home in Ohio

Though it doesn't seem that we've had lots of time at home because of all our travels, AJ certainly seems to know it is home. He has the layout of the house down and seems very happy in this house. He has developed a routine and seems to be learning more and more all the time. AJ's vocabulary at 14 months old only includes "dadda, dog, duck, down, and up." Notice that most of these words start with a "d" and none of these words include "mamma." Though AJ's verbal vocabulary is limited, he still communicates with us in his way. He has learned some sign language. He knows 19 different signs now. He has certain signs that he uses more than others such as "more" and "all done," but he does also know "dog, cat, fish, bird, ball, airplane, car, book, music, bath (another nighly favorite), food, drink, milk, up, hat, light, and fan. In addition, he knows how to grab us by the hand and pull him toward whatever he wants such as the door going outside.

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