Wednesday, December 21, 2005

AJ's birth

AJ surprised us all with his arrival as he was not due until November 13, 2004. Six weeks before his bith, Amber went into the hospital due to a small tear in the placenta. Then early contractions started. Amber was given medicine to stop these as it would have been way too early for AJ to enter the world. Though AJ was still early, three and a half weeks was much preferable to 10 weeks early. Amber 's water broke at 9:40 PM on 10-19-04. We were up all night anxiously waiting for AJ to arrive. The process was moving so slowly that by 8:30 AM on 10-20-04, Amber was still only 3 cm dilated. So the doc prescribed something to increase the contractions. Then we were off and running. The doctor didn't expect that even with the medicine that AJ would arrive any earlier than the afternoon, but two hours later, Amber was fully dilated and AJ's head was ready to pop out. The nurse called the doctor and then Amber was set up to start pushing. 20 minutes of pushing, and our little boy was here. Amber and Dave both started crying the minute AJ was born. Our little miracle had arrived at last.

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