Thursday, March 30, 2006

AJ's Favorite Toy!

AJ really likes his wooden rocking horse. He even knows how to make it rock on his own, but nothing compares to the horsey ride that Daddy can give! Daddy has become the best toy AJ has. AJ loves to push him down and climb on daddy's back and go for a ride. Occassionally, mommy makes a decent substitute if daddy isn't home, but I guess I'm not that great at being a horse, because he much prefers daddy as the horse. Dave is such a great dad. It is fun to see him with AJ. I even love seeing how excited AJ gets when daddy comes home and hearing him say "Da da". I'm only mildly wounded when AJ points to a picture of me and Dave both, and says "dada." I'm in the picture too, but does he say "mama?" NO. Oh well, I know he loves us both.

He has been doing the funniest thing lately. Mamaw, grandma, and Aunt Becky got to see him doing this a few times. For whatever reason, he loves to see Dave and I kiss each other. Any time we kiss, he'll smile big and want us to keep kissing. If we kiss once and we are sitting so he can reach us both, he'll come over and push our heads together to make us kiss again and again and again while he makes a kissing noise. Dave and I think it is cute.

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