Friday, March 31, 2006

Grandma Kay

My dad gave me a lecture today about not adding pictures to the blog of family and important people to AJ. I admit that I am very guilty of this. Truth be told, I am used to thinking of the blog as a way of updating all my family and friends in one shot about how AJ is doing, so I tend to only put pics of him on. However, it is also going to be something AJ can look at one day and read about his growing up. It is true that we have photographs of all the grandparents and family in AJ's baby book, but I want to include pics of everyone on the blog too. From now on, I'll do a much better job of getting more pics of family along with AJ. So, for now, I'll post several random pics of family during various visits we have had, and in the future there will be more. Grandma Kay is very proud of both of her grandsons. And to the envy of my mother, Grandma Kay has a third grandchild on the way!

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