Saturday, March 11, 2006

Still Onery!!

AJ still looks onery even with the big boy hair cut! Oh, he was a little turkey while we were in Kansas. This was especially true while around Grandpa. Grandpa spoiled the kid ROTTEN!!! If AJ wanted to go up the stairs 20 times, Grandpa went up and down with him. If AJ wanted to go outside (which he did often), then Grandpa let him. They played with rocks and sticks and visited dogs and cats in the neighborhood. Grandpa even let AJ pet a cat then hit the poor cat with a stick, pet and hit, pet and hit until the poor cat had enough and went home. As a result of this spoiling, AJ became demanding and threw fits, and wanted very little to do with mommy because mommy tried to enforce discipline. AJ was so terrible, he was hitting me often and screaming at me. I was glad to have a reprieve while we were there from the terrible behavior by getting to visit Grandma Kay because AJ was much better behaved at her house. Grandpa believed it was because Grandma Kay has a dog and a cat in the house to entertain AJ. This may have been true because he did play with Jenga and Harley cat a lot. However, I suspect it may have to do with the fact that AJ did not sleep as well while we were in Kansas. Whenever we went to visit Grandma Kay, he would take a short morning nap on the way to her house and then would wake up in a good mood. I'm only suspecting the need for more sleep to be the case because since we've been home, he has been getting to bed at 8 PM as usual, and has gone back to sleeping until 8:30 AM. He has been in good moods at home and has not tried to hit me at all. He did hit daddy once, but he wasn't mad at the time, so I think he meant it in play, but we gave him a time out anyway just to let him know that it is not okay to hit regardless. He still throws little fits and pouts sometimes when he doesn't get his way, but nothing like when we were with Grandpa. It is also good to be the center of my child's world once again.

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