Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Grandma Kay meets Pet Dragon

Grandma Kay came for a visit last week for a few days. As usual, AJ loved having her here. He stayed home from daycare with her while she was here and they played and swam and played some more. Grandma thought she was here to baby sit AJ so Dave and I could go to a concert. Little did she know, I would ask her to go in my place. So, Dave and Grandma Kay took in a Tim and Faith concert while she was here. Kay's plane didn't get in until 2 AM, so AJ did not see her until the following morning. When he got up and saw her, he was very excited and wanted to get started playing right away. He introduced her to pet dragon immediately. Kay looked at me like, "What?" I had to explain that a few weeks ago, AJ pulled a "pet dragon" out of my pocket and this friend of his has been around ever since. The imaginary friend's name is Polka dot, but he usually just calls it Pet Dragon. We thought at first that his new friend was just something he played with here at home. One day his teacher informed me that when they sat down for circle time at daycare, she accidentally sat on Pet Dragon. At tumbling class, the teacher there has figured out that she has to help him put pet dragon in his pocket so he will open his hand up to grab the rings or parallel bars properly. Otherwise, he will walk around with his fist balled up holding onto pet dragon. Sometimes he'll get pet dragon back out, and mommy has to hold him for a while. Pet dragon swims with us and takes baths too. AJ told me to be more careful when we wash hands because I almost washed him down the sink once.

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