Sunday, September 02, 2007

Meet Anthony

Wow! We had a fun day. Columbus is forever having some festival or another. Today there were multiple festivals. I had originally wanted to go to the Greek festival because AJ had so much fun at that one last year, but Dave saw one advertised that had carnival rides. We bought a $15 wrist band for AJ and spent literally 6 hours letting AJ ride and play on everything he wanted. He had a blast. At the end of the night, we stayed to let AJ see the fireworks. There were a ton of carnival games, but we didn't spend any time there until Dave decided to try to win a stuffed animal for AJ. He was given 12 ping pong balls to aim for little fish bowls of water 15 feet away. There had to have been 100 or more fishbowls. Apparently, you only get a stuffed animal if you get the ball in one of the 99 clear fishbowls. If you get a ball in the green one in the center (which Dave accidentally did), then you win a bunny....a REAL bunny. So, we are now the not so proud owners of a baby bunny. AJ was SOOOO excited. Someone came up to him to see the bunny when he was holding it and asked him the bunny's name. He said he was going to name it Anthony.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Balloon fest

Last weekend, we enjoyed a bunch of fun at the annual balloon fest. AJ was enthralled.

Random Thoughts

I'm bracing myself. In less than two months, AJ will be 3 years old. So hard to imagine that is even possible. In some ways, it seems like not that long ago he was born, yet in other ways because I can barely picture my life before having him, it feels like he's always been a part of it. I'm bracing myself because I have to expect troubling threes. AJ is willful and ornery (it's part of his charm and it makes us laugh daily), but we have not experienced any terrible twos really. On Thursday, I got off of work early, so when I picked him up we went to play at the play area in the mall. There was a bigger kid there that kept running over and AJ and was being a bit of a bully to some other kids too. I was just about to say something to the boy when AJ came over to me and said, "Mom, I am not pleased! I am upset. That boy is stepping on me and he didn't take his shoes off." Before I had a chance to respond, he continued, "I am going to throw a fit." I told him that I'd rather he didn't. He repeated that he was going to throw a fit, and then he grabbed a handful of air and threw it very hard, grunted, then threw his head down onto the padded bench I was sitting on. He kept his head down for about 30 seconds, and then looked up and said, "I feel better now." I told him I was glad. He then proceeded to walk over to the boy who was blocking the top of the slide from other children, and said to the boy, "Excuse me, but I want to go down the slide. Please move and don't step on me again." To my surprise, the boy looked startled, but moved." I keep thinking our luck with AJ will run out soon. Despite AJ's willfulness, he is the most loving child. He loves getting and giving hugs and kisses. He frequently tells us he loves us. He has demonstrated empathy and is concerned about our happiness as well as his own. He is a snuggler. He loves to be read to. He'll sit and my lap and let me read to him forever. He has a wonderful imagination. He is very good about taking naps and going to bed. He is great about picking up his toys and putting them away. I couldn't ask for a better child. He has a very strong personality and I love him just exactly the way he is.

Tattle Tale

AJ has become quite the tattle tale as of late. It's funny except when he is tattling on me. Last Tuesday morning, I drove around checking out some preschools and when we left one of them, I was given some material to look over. I was curious about something so when I got to the car, I told AJ to jump into his seat and I sat and started looking over the stuff I was given. After a couple of minutes, AJ got impatient and asked me if we were going to go. I put down the stuff I was reading, started the car and began to head out. Before I got out of the parking lot, AJ yells at me, "Mommy, buckle my seat belt!" I stopped right away, turned around and began apologizing profusely to AJ and thanking him for telling me because it is indeed important to keep him safe. This event occurred at 9:30 AM. At 4:00 PM, I get a voicemail from Dave telling me that AJ told on me about the seat belt incident. So far, this is the only time he has told on me. Usually, he tells on Dave. He's told on Dave when Dave gave him a sucker or some other candy or when Dave didn't brush his teeth or once when Dave tried to get away with not actually reading a book, but rather tried to just tell a story based on the pictures. AJ knew better (because he has had me read it a dozen times) and told on Daddy not reading it right. The one time that really cracked me up was when we went out to eat and AJ said he had to go potty. Dave took him to the bathroom, got AJ back in his seat, and sat down himself before AJ leaned over to me and looked at me deadly serious and said in his best tattle telling voice, "Mommy, Daddy didn't wash my hands." Dave just rolled his eyes, got back up and took AJ back to get his hands washed. AJ could have, of course, said something to Dave about needing his hands washed before leaving the bathroom the first time, but clearly AJ wanted to have something to tattle about.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Visit from Grandpa Eric, Michelle, and kids

We had such a great couple of weekend visits from the Lentz clan from Missouri. Michelle's family lives in Ohio, so they stopped here for most of the weekend on the way up and then on the way back. AJ totally loved it. (We did too. It was such a great visit.) AJ really should be a big brother. The kid loves babies. He was crazy about baby Cayci. We all loved Cayci, she is a doll baby. Such a good little thing, but Dave and I were crazy about having Logan and Nathaniel here. Those boys were so great with AJ. In general the boys are just great kids, but watching how sweet they were with AJ was just too cool. I really cracked up the last day they were here and the boys were playing in the pool with AJ and it was getting late. I went to get AJ and told the boys they could still play, but AJ needed to come in. They begged to let AJ stay with them. They said, "Please let him stay up longer. He's not being cranky or anything." We let him stay in the pool until 9:00 PM that night. Way past AJ's bedtime. So much fun!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Grandma Kay meets Pet Dragon

Grandma Kay came for a visit last week for a few days. As usual, AJ loved having her here. He stayed home from daycare with her while she was here and they played and swam and played some more. Grandma thought she was here to baby sit AJ so Dave and I could go to a concert. Little did she know, I would ask her to go in my place. So, Dave and Grandma Kay took in a Tim and Faith concert while she was here. Kay's plane didn't get in until 2 AM, so AJ did not see her until the following morning. When he got up and saw her, he was very excited and wanted to get started playing right away. He introduced her to pet dragon immediately. Kay looked at me like, "What?" I had to explain that a few weeks ago, AJ pulled a "pet dragon" out of my pocket and this friend of his has been around ever since. The imaginary friend's name is Polka dot, but he usually just calls it Pet Dragon. We thought at first that his new friend was just something he played with here at home. One day his teacher informed me that when they sat down for circle time at daycare, she accidentally sat on Pet Dragon. At tumbling class, the teacher there has figured out that she has to help him put pet dragon in his pocket so he will open his hand up to grab the rings or parallel bars properly. Otherwise, he will walk around with his fist balled up holding onto pet dragon. Sometimes he'll get pet dragon back out, and mommy has to hold him for a while. Pet dragon swims with us and takes baths too. AJ told me to be more careful when we wash hands because I almost washed him down the sink once.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Goldie...the horse

After our last post, I got a lot of comments re: Goldie being the size of a horse and some questions about whether or not AJ ever tried to ride her. I know that was asked in jest, but the truth is....yes, he does try to ride her. Unfortunately (for him), while Goldie does not seem to mind him crawling on her back, she just lays down. She won't actually ride him around.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Peace Out!

Several months ago, Dave and I had taken AJ to eat at an Olive Garden. As we were leaving the restaurant, the waitress said goodbye. Dave and I each said good bye and AJ says, "Peace Out!" We have no idea where he learned this, but must have been daycare. The funny thing was that when he would say it, he would hold up one finger instead of the peace sign. AJ's grandma in Kansas asked me to get a picture of him doing his peace out, so I recently asked him to say peace out and when he did, he shocked me by showing the actual peace sign! Apparently, Dave spent the time to show him the correct peace sign.

Goldie and AJ

The dog is huge and a nuisance. She is the biggest puppy. She is just such a puppy. She gets so excited, jumps on everyone, and chews up everything she can get her mouth on. She loves AJ to death and gets excited when he runs through the house or in the yard, so she runs right into him and knocks him down. Fortunately, AJ is tough. He just gets back up and keeps playing. I've been annoyed enough at times with Goldie that I would consider getting rid of the dog, but AJ loves the dog to death and would never forgive me. AJ must think Goldie capable of taking care of him because a couple of times now, when I've wanted him to get ready to leave the house with me, he has suggested that he could just stay home with Goldie.

States and Capitals

Okay, not really.....but a few months ago, we taught AJ the names of the states of where all our family lived. So, if you ask him, "where does Papa live? Uncle Barry?" etc., he could name the state that person lived in. All total, AJ now knows the following states and who lives in them: Ohio, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, Arizona, and most recently Texas (well, he sort of knows Texas). My mom came for a visit the end of June through the beginning of July. While she was here, I was discussing with her that Dave's brother, wife, and kids were moving to Texas. So, one morning, we were talking about this and I told AJ that Dean was moving to Texas. He repeated Texas. Then later that afternoon, we were in the swimming pool and AJ just started talking about states and where people lived. My mom wanted to know if AJ would remember what I told him in the morning, so she asked him if he remembered where Dean lived. AJ said, "Yes, Texas Roadhouse." For anyone reading this who does not know, Texas Roadhouse is Dave's favorite restaurant. My mom said this was a sign that we eat out too much. She's probably right. Now my son thinks his cousin lives in a restaurant.

Monday, June 11, 2007

More Baby Kayleigh visit pics

Baby Kayleigh

And Aunt Tande and Uncle Steven too! We had a weekend visit from Tande and family this past weekend. We had lots of fun. We went to the outlet mall and I got to play with AJ and Kayleigh at the play area while everyone else shopped. I got the best end of the deal if you ask me. We ate out a lot and we went to COSI to play at the children's science museum while they were here too. It was a terrific weekend. AJ LOVED baby Kayleigh. He did not want her to leave. He thought we should keep her. I was fine with that idea, but selfish Tande thought she couldn't give up her child. AJ wanted to hold Kayleigh constantly.

Anyone for a swim?

AJ got a new pool in the backyard and wants to swim all the time. He couldn't even wait for the water to get warm. He insisted on getting in while it was still filling up! Grandma and Papa came for a visit at the beginning of this month and AJ insisted that they swim with him too.

12 years and 12 inches

On May 20th, Dave and I celebrated a dozen years of marriage. We never stop thanking God for the fortune that we have. I personally celebrated our 12 years by getting a badly needed hair cut. I cut off 12 inches to donate to Locks of Love. we also went out for brunch as this restaurant we love, but don't have too often due to the expense. AJ loves it because there are airplanes and old army vehicles outside that he likes to play on.