Friday, January 27, 2006

COSI fun!

This week AJ and I visited COSI (Center of Science and Industry). It's a huge children's museum. It was awesome! There is so much to see and do for all ages. We visited a lot of the exhibits, but most of our time on this trip was spent in the small kids' play area. AJ had a blast! This play area is so big, there is just lots to keep him entertained, but his favorite part was the water section. There are three parts to it. For the older kids, there is a thing that you can shoot water at different targets. Then there is just an area where kids can stand and play with toys floating in this one water tank. Then for little ones and babies, you can put them in these seats and there is a big fountain that pours down water in the center and toys float around and small fountains shoot up little squirts of water at various intervals. AJ played in this and the water tank and had a blast! I got a few pics of him playing here before my camera battery died. I was warned by a friend I've made at one of the play groups to bring an extra set of clothes in case he got wet. He got very wet! But that was okay. When he was done playing with the water and wanted to play in a different area, I took his wet stuff off, put dry on, and COSI offers clothes dryers so his clothes dried while we finished playing. I'll warn everyone, we loved this place. We're getting a membership and anyone who comes to visit is going to be dragged there to play with us!

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